Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Someone May Need to Call 911

This beauty is one of the leftover plants after I placed her siblings in the garden. Approximately fifteen plants remain inside in pots that I have continued to care for. Do you suppose I had a premonition?

This poor guy has been out in the garden for about a week. A cold, not frosty, but very cold night or two and some powerful winds have rendered this guy, well, in need of some life-support. I've heard that tomatoes experience the most shock at transplanting of any plants...no one mentioned buying a portable defibrilator!

What to do? Two people have suggested milk jugs with the bottoms removed. Sounds very smart. I will start saving and putting them over the sickest plants, however, I won't have enough any time soon. Any other ideas? Immediate ideas?

Fortunately, some of the plants still look pretty good. The ones closer to the wind wall, including the Beefmasters tomatoes! Maybe I need to start making all of my husband's favorite dinner recipes and giving loads of oozing "great idea", "go for it, honey" when he mentions wanting to play golf. He will "want" to extend the wind wall! Yes, yes, this is a good plan. It may just work!

I fertilized and watered today, and I think I'll wait a few days to see what happens. Thankfully, as you saw, I have a few lovely replacements for the plants that kick the bucket. I recently read an essay by a woman who cursed the Kansas wind on a daily basis (sounds familiar) until she bought a windmill and used the wind power to operate a water pump from her pond that she used to water her garden. Hmmm? She then developed an appreciation for the wind. Hmmm?

Remember, Jenny, it's a learning process. Trial and lots of errors is most of the fun!!!

1 comment:

Barbee' said...

Hi Jenny, I found you on Blotanical and came over to read awhile, so glad I did. This blog is so cute! And every post a delight! Keep up the good work. After working my way all the way down to here, I am tired of reading now, but I'll be back.