We've inherited some commemoration of these experiences - political buttons.
Here's a sampling of my Mom's buttons. She worked on many civic projects including raising money for the library, the school district and the city pool. She also was a democrat, a yellow dog democrat! I recently learned from my cousin, Shelley, that this is a real term, studied in college political science classes, and I assume a moniker of great honor within the Democratic Party. It means even if the dems were to put up a yellow dog as a candidate, my Mom would have voted for her!
Here's a look at the buttons collected by my mother and father-in-law.
I love that many different parties are represented here with buttons from Reagan to Carter to Perot. Even Rockefeller. I need a little help though. Who's Stassen and Bob Ray???
A true political button collector has the cool button from both parties. You might see Carter's face while reading Ford's name, but look from a different angle and see Ford's face while reading "Carter".
How about this cool Ford button? How could he not win with a button like this?
We have followed this election so closely for the last few months. It's hard to believe it is finally Election Day! We will know, I hope, who our next president will be before we go to sleep tonight. We are going to a Watch Event this evening... the kids, too. We've got them so excited (some might suspect brainwashed)! I hope you take the time to VOTE today, because...
What a great thing to have from your Mom! Love those old buttons!! One especially caught my eye... "Jayhawk Mom"... :)
I didn't know she had that button! She had been saving it for a long time :)!
What a great collection. Love it.
That's certainly a unique collection, how cool!
Those are too cool Jenny.
Stassen is Harold E. Stassen, former Governor of Minnesota, President of UPenn and perennial candidate for president.
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